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St. Joseph: The Father to Follow


June 20, 2021

We don't often think of the struggles of Jesus' earthly father.  But imagine the fears and insecurities he must have gone through being tasked with helping to raise the Savior of the World.  In this episode we see the example that Joseph set for all fathers, and how we can follow his example.



Straightening the Abortion Distoriton


May 27, 2021

She worked for Planned Parenthood and worked her way up the chain of command until she was the Director of the largest abortion clinic in the state of Arizona.  It was then that she saw the truth behind the curtain, and when she voiced her concerns, they got rid of her. Now, Mayra Rodriguez speaks out the truths of what horrors she saw being done to the girls that the company claims to be "helping".  Listen as Mayra tells us what triggered the change in her heart and the battle she faced to keep the life she had built for herself and her family.



God's Mercy Within Us


April 11, 2021

We are human beings, prone to sinful choices.  Yet, knowing this, Jesus died for us.  How do we reconcile ourselves with Jesus in order to fully grasp what it means to have God's loving mercy?  What do we need to do as Catholics in order to fully accept, appreciate and absorb all the Jesus died for on that cross? If we don't learn to admit our own faults and seek healing, how can we expect to share God's loving mercy and forgiveness to others?  All this as Carlos and Angel talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist and get emotional talking about some of their own personal experiences.



Teaching Faith to the Heart


March 21, 2021

After an incident occurred in which a young catechumen was angered and hurt by the way her catechist brought up and spoke on abortion, Angel and Carlos discussed the ways in which Church and Scpritural truths can be taught that does not diminish their ideals.  Young people are looking to be nurtured, hoping to find ways that the teachings are relevant to them and their own lives.  The old ways of teaching no longer work in a society that has access to so much more information.  We must change the way we teach in order to speak to the hearts of the young Catholics, and hopefully prevent them from disassociating from the Church.



The Priest and the Human within


March 15, 2021

We talked to Father Jeffery Smialek, a Carmelite priest who has previously been trained in martial arts, co-coaches lacrosse for the high school and is a fan of Elvis Presley who now enjoys his priesthood and ministering to the youth.  Listen to our conversation as Father Jeff explains the challenges of teaching morality to high school students in today's societal climate, and why Confession is his favorite part of being a priest.



A Fire for Youth


March 8, 2021

Young Catholics are becoming disenchanted and leaving the Church in droves.  They feel their questions are not being answered.  In their upcoming book, Bill Snyder, founder of Patchwork Heart Ministries, and Sewing Hope Podcast co-host Anne Desantis, along with co-writers Magdelene Riggins and Jennifer Southerton seek to answer the very questions that are burning within the hearts of young Catholics.  Listen as they talk about their conversations with Catholic college students and what questions were most common and their Christ-like approach in their collaborative effort.



Bracing the Fractured Family


March 1, 2021

After suffering a life-threating complication after giving birth to her second child, Anne DeSantis experienced her own personal miracle after receiving the healing hand of God.  Now a devout Catholic, wife and mother of two, she works to help broken families find spiritual healing as a director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation (SRNF).

Founded by the Mercedarian Friars (the Order of Mercy) in 2015, the SRNF ministers to families in crises such as divorce, addiction, mental health, etc.  They work to provide spiritual healing through spiritual consultations, prayer, and more.  In addition, they have multiple resources available for clients to seek additional help for the challenges they face and struggle with.

Anne DeSantis is also the host of Journeys in Faith, a live videocast that broadcasts on Facebook Live and YouTube, and co-host of Sewing Hope Podcast, both affiliates of the Fiat Ministry Network and Patchwork Heart Ministry founded by Bill Snyder.



The Unbroken Vessel


February 21, 2021

Our guest this week is the beautiful Hyacinth Hermida, a survivor of childhood trauma and abuse who seeks out spiritual means of healing.  After trying several different spiritual paths, she found healing in the Church.  Listen as she tells of how she left everything behind, and through her faith and courage, sought solace living in a hermitage life in the Holy Land, and was able to find the resources she needed in a country that lacks resources for mental health.  Listen as she tells of fighting through cultural barriers and through the grace of God she has been healed. 



The Gifted Sacrifice


February 16, 2021

Not only do we discuss what we are giving up, but why?  How is your sacrifice brining you closer to God?  When we give something up, God blesses us in greater ways.



The Communicative Father


June 21, 2020

On this Father's Day episode, Carlos and Angel focus on Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with the training and instruction of the Lord.  What is the role of a father in communicating with their kids, showing them love, and how to cope with situations? Fathers are the example for their boys on how a man should act and for their girls how they should be treated.  We discuss the importance of changing our behavior and how we conduct ourselves in front of our children.



The Whole-lisitc Woman


June 15, 2020

We sat down with Maria Spears, a self-worth strategist, doula, fitness coach and musician strong in her Catholic faith who has studied Theology of the Body and runs a women's ministry and works with The Woman School to help other women build the tools to handle everyday life by finding inner peace, dignity and self-worth.



Our Autistic Sons


December 18, 2019

Minh Solorzano and Henry Delallana are our first guests on the show. Carlos sat with Henry and Angel sat with Carlos and Minh as they talk about their experiences and choices they made in getting their sons tested for autism, as well as the therapy. They discuss their own fears, worries, struggles through all of it.


"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

- Matthew 28:19

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